Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Treatments, symptoms and signs of stress

101 Stress management:

Stress is a part of life that you cannot avoid. Especially at the time, the stress is present in our lives in some shape or form. Stress levels are affected by external and internal factors. External factors include your work, family or other people in your life and daily challenges or situations. Internal collaborators include your general State of health, level of fitness and diet and the amount of sleep that you get. But the stress is manageable and it's to take control of your life to create a balance between work, fun, relationships, relaxation and the strength of battle through difficult situations.

Managing Stress and symptoms of Stress

Poorly managed stress can appear in a number of ways. Some of the most common symptoms of stress are disorders of sleep, muscle pain and tension, headaches, fatigue and gastrointestinal problems. Behaviour problems and emotions can include anxiety, loss of enthusiasm or energy, irritability and depression and overeating. People under stress are also more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviour, such as the excessive consumption of alcohol, abuse of drugs and alcohol, smoking and poor exercise and eating habits.

Stress management techniques

Before you can learn how to deal with the stress, you need to locate the sources of stress in your life. To do this, you must consider your habits, apology and attitudes. Discover if you explain stress far as a temporary problem, considered to be a permanent part of your home or work life, if you accuse the constraints of external forces such as other people and events or if you can see as usual a nothing exceptional. You can keep a written record of the things that note you the dailies and identify trends. You must accept the responsibility of the role you play in the creation and maintenance of the constraints to be in control of your stress level.

The signs and symptoms that you are not coping with stress in a healthy manner

There are correct ways to cope with stress, and unfortunately there are many ways wrong too. They include:

Too sleep muchProcrastinatingOvereating or in eatingSmokingDrinking in excessWithdrawing, friends, family and interestsOverloading your schedule to avoid the problemsLashing face othersSpending hours from TV or computer

The effects of stress on your health.

So that the body respond to stress in a healthy manner, there must be an immediate response by the brain that is maintained for a certain period of time and then disabled. When the body over-responds to stress or is unable to disable the response to stress, is the result can have negative effects on the individual.

To beat stress management techniques

Here are some of the ways in which you can manage stress in your life:

Regular exercise helps to reduce the production of stress hormones and other neurochemical. It also acts as an antidepressant, sleep aid, and a tool to combat anxiety.Avoid unnecessary stress to know your limits of liability and to learn to say no.Limit the time spent with people that you highlight or cut out of your life.Take your breaks at work. A walk to the place to get coffee and speak during your breaks.Create the structure and routine in your life you will have a comfortable implementing framework when the unexpected happens.If you have need help coping with stress, group and individual stress management is available from providers of mental health care. ..............You can go here to get instantly stress relief now!


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