Friday, August 12, 2011

What happens if I am not a treatment for a panic attack?

The first time that you have a panic attack, you should see your doctor. Go to the emergency room if you have never been diagnosed by a physician. Many of the symptoms of an attack are the same as the symptoms of a heart attack. You must get extracted to make sure that it is really an attack of panic and not something more serious must be treated. If you had an attack, you want to make sure you that seeking appropriate to it so it doesn't grow with complications. Here are some of the complications you may experience if you do not get treatment.


Agoraphobia is the fear of public places. Agoraphobics fear be with people, especially in places where they might have an episode. The symptoms of panic attacks and agoraphobia are very similar. Both have symptoms such as shortness of breath, sensation die or become crazy, or the feeling of having heart attack.

Arm too much towards the medicines prescribed

It is common for a doctor to prescribe drugs disorder anti-anxiety to someone with panic disorders. These anti-anxiety drugs help control the symptoms, but they are easy to become dependent. Sometimes, we believe that a magic pill to make our problems go away is the easy answer. It is easier to do the work for the exploration of our minds with a therapist a pill popping.

Too much dependency on medications to control symptoms is not the same that addiction for drugs, well too dependent on drugs is still serious potential problems. It is much easier to step followed with a therapist if you have success with drugs. But at some point, one will become probably dependent on drugs. When that happens, normally you need to increase the dose of medicine work as he used to work. Once you are at this time, you are at a dangerous point where you are flirting with drug dependency.

There are other solutions than drugs for the treatment of this disorder. There are several solutions that are healthier for your body and your mind, but are just as effective as the treatment of the attacks. These other therapies are often neglected because the drugs are working for the patient.


People that experience panic attacks are 20% more likely to commit suicide than those who do not have them. It seems to be a kind of link between depression and panic attacks. There could be several reasons for this.

A theory is that when a person is against panic attacks, they will be exhausted by chronic anxiety that comes with the attacks. Depression develops from exhaustion and fear.

Another theory is that many people who have panic attacks also develops a severe case of agoraphobia. Since agoraphobia holds their return to socialize with other people, usually leads to abandon things which they had previously, which leads to a general feeling of isolation and sadness, which may lead to depressive episodes.


It is not uncommon to find people who suffer from anxiety disorders also have diagnoses of one or more other diseases or conditions. Research has shown that people with diabetes and also have panic attacks, living lives that are of lower quality. They are also more likely to develop complications of diabetes. Having depression panic attacks can prevent diabetes to effectively monitor and control their blood sugar.

Substance abuse

Using alcohol or other drugs "Recreation" in an attempt to self-medicate as adaptation mechanism against the anxiety disorder symptoms is self-defeating. Any type of alcohol abuse is not healthy and the use of alcohol or other drugs is not the real problem. And, without addressing the real problem of what is originally your panic, the problem with persist, and panic attacks.

Click here to learn more about panic attacks, what are the causes, what you should do in an attack and how to prevent panic attacks.

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